Monday, October 21, 2013

A hard look at ourselves.

Witness the ultimate reality of the totalitarian progressive state.
The North Korean government is also concerned about how much ordinary North Korean are learning about the outside world, especially the much higher living standards in South Korea. To deal with that more secret police have been assigned to workers at Kaesong. For every hundred workers there will be 60 security personnel.[1]
The Soviet variant collapsed from its delusional socialist economic fantasies, if not from its innate viciousness. North Korea would too if the Chinese would desist from propping up this hideous regime.

However, we are just as affected by the gangrenous horror, lest you think we have been somehow exempted from the laws of gravity and political, moral, and economic common sense. Despite centuries of effort in Britain to establish the rule of law and the astonishing attempt to create and protect liberty in the United States, Britons and Americans have, in the past 100 years, chosen the path of servility by worshiping Savior Government. Britons -- and Europeans -- disgraced themselves by creating and submitting to the E.U., with its duplicitous Treaty of Lisbon and unelected president and European Commission hell bent, astonishingly, on extinguishing European nation states. Americans daily tolerate a massively unconstitutional federal leviathan government celebrated and affirmed by the Imperial Judiciary that would declare the moon made of cheese if it would ratify some asinine federal usurpation of the people's freedom. Think "War on Coal." Or ObamaCare.

The countries of the E.U., socialist all, now struggle to stave off economic collapse with higher taxes, confiscation, and moving funds from one account to another like carnival shell game artistes. The U.S. has long since distinguished itself as the world's master of debasing the national currency. Over it all is a blanket of lies.

At the heart of all of this is the fatal indifference to the fundamentals of how to maintain liberty that is the consequence of (1) a desire to be taken care of, (2) a degraded morality that enthusiastically embraces parasitism and a debased libertinism, and (3) a shortsighted devotion to narrow political goals like federally-protected abortion, environmentalism, public sector union privilege, and multiculturalism. The result in Western countries is, in the short term, inevitable economic collapse with a leavening of totalitarian, malicious prosecution of free speech in general and patriots offering resistance to inundation and takeover by minorities, third world primitives, and Muslims, in particular. The long-term will involve a fascist (i.e., far left) solution to economic collapse and a deracinated citizenry.

If you need citations to any of these points at this late stage in our long, suicidal march to economic and political oblivion you have been too long in the media bubble of lies and juvenile entertainments that are unworthy of anyone who claims to be a citizen, let alone a functioning adult. If this is all new and strange to you now, just go back to sleep. You have no pride and if your country will be taken over by foreigners and the hard left it won't bother you so long as you can still catch the ball game or watch the latest metrosexual sitcom episode on cable. And, if you want to know what pathetic is, look in the mirror.

[1] "The Starving Masses Push Back." Strategy Page. 10/20/13.

1 comment:

KG said...

Col. Bunny, I put up an excerpt from this post with a link back to here at my blog.